Anabolic Eats

Owned by  Anabolic Eats

We communicate to people through food and wellness. Looking for ways to send a message to a world that needs more sustainability, empathy and anthropic principles. A good start could  and would be through aliments that do not only satisfy your belly but your brain & soul.

1 kg Sourdough Bread
Anabolic Eats
1kg Sourdough French Toast
Anabolic Eats
Seeded 1kg Sourdough Bread
Anabolic Eats
800gr Sourdough Bread
Anabolic Eats
Pan Dulce (Brioche)
Anabolic Eats
Black Poppy Seed Bread
Anabolic Eats
Anabolic Eats
800gr Sourdough French Toast
Anabolic Eats
Seeded 800gr Sourdough Bread
Anabolic Eats
Okay. Cool :)